B3 Coupe Quattro PS Pump, rebuild??

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Mon Feb 9 13:25:46 EST 2004

Thanks Josh, so you think open up the pump and disable that portion?  Man, I'd rather not take apart a new rebuild if I didn't have to, you think blocking it would force the pump to work harder or explode?

The current pump doesn't leak at all, just caused a bad groaning, I replaced the pump with a known good unit and the groaning went away, so I assumed it was the pump that wasn't supplying enough pressure.


>I think you'll have to remove the pistons from the high pressure pump, 
>otherwise it'll try to pump fluid against a blockage. As for the 
>groaning, you could try taking it apart, and see what sort of 
>mechanical damage it has, but you're probably better off with a ZF 
>rebuilt. If you decide to rebuild it yourself, be sure to check the 
>flatness of the pump halves. Apparently they can get warped, and then 
>they leak regardless of whether the o-rings are good.
>On Feb 9, 2004, at 11:35 AM, JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
>> Hey all, what's the best option here, I've priced out rebuilt units 
>> for about $350, the pump I have groans really badly, are there any 
>> more affordable options?  Would a simple seal-rebuild fix the groaning 
>> problem?
>> Also, anyone see any negative consequences from plugging the 3rd port 
>> on the pump, the one that goes to the bomb and brake assist 
>> hydraulics?  This pump will be going on my 80tq with vacuum assisted 
>> brakes.
>> TIA!
>> Javad
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