016 tranny swap: REVERSE does not work, clutch slip

Denis Julien sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 10 13:18:39 EST 2004

After i did the swap i realize that the reverse does not work. I did not check it before putte back the tranny in the car.

I removed the tranny to see what is going on there.

I located the place where is the 1,2,3,4,5 and reverse on the little arm  shifter on the tranny.

1 to 5 engaged but not reverse. I removed the shifter shaft on top of the traany. The two first pieces i can see is for 1,3,2,4, the last in the bottom is the reverse and the 5 gear. Manually i pushed to 5 and was good, i then pushed for reverse (oposite side of 5 gear) ,,,,, it s blocked somewhere, something is stopping the movement to shift reverse.....

What i did to the tranny ?

I separated the 3 sections to change every tranny oil seals. By accident i unscrewd a screw on the top of the tranny and a level with a spring felt donw in the case :-(.  With lot s of patient i putted it back . Everythings else was fine and all 3 section got together without any difficulties.

So what i did to make a tranny one way ? 

Any suggestions ?

Oh, by the way the clutch was very good before  but i changed the disk only and the after that swap,mmmmm it slip enought that the car move just a auto tranny at idle.

Any suggestion here too ?

Denis Julien

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