Florida turnpike and Sunpass - LAC

Mitchell Segal MSegal at nsbgroup.com
Wed Feb 11 11:42:01 EST 2004

Sure there are.  In Toronto, there's the highway 407.  It's a new
public/private highway that was built over the last 10 years or so
(Gouvernment bought the land, leased to to private company who built the
highway, who charges tolls to recoup their costs).

It's a terrific highway that allows you to bypass (like the ring roads in
US) around the city's core.  Tolls are ONLY done through EZ-Pass
transponders, there are no toll booths at all.  If you don't have a
transponder, then they take a picture of your license plate getting on/off
the highway, and send you the bill (with an added $3-4 service fee for not
having a transponder).  

I know they send you the bill if you're from a neighboring province like
Quebec, but I don't know if they have similar agreements with US States (who
they would need to contact to get the mailing address).  They might have it
with NY state (closest neighbor), but most likely if you're from another
farther state visiting town, it's unlikely that they have agreements with
all the US States to get the information, so you would probably be able to
travel for free, as they wouldn't know where to mail the bill.  I guess it's
not worth it for the small minority of visitors.  (But don't quote me on

Works great, everyone loves it.  Anyone who uses it has the transponder.
For those passing through once in a while, the extra $3-4 on the bill isn't
so bad that you would want to use the 401 highway instead (which is usually
a nightmare).


>Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 09:19:34 -0700
>From: Zsolt <zsolt1 at telusplanet.net>
>Subject: RE: Florida turnpike and Sunpass - LAC
>To: "Livolsi, Stephane" <Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com>,
>Hey Stephane, you may not have a toll booth up north where you live, but 
>the one on the Coke (the Coquahalla freeway just a bit south from you) is 
>the only one that I know of in Canada.
>Are there any other ones? The bridge to PEI maybe?

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