WRC mexico - was Re: Ashcroft, BC rally X

Ned Ritchie Q at IntendedAcceleration.com
Mon Feb 16 22:31:32 EST 2004

Tumwater, Washington to be exact
I ran the Parc Ferme 
(secure place to park the cars)

A whole week of rally -- Real racing with real cars on real roads
Toyota Olympus Rally --  FIA World Rally -- not WRC
Many years before that it was in Michigan I think.

For the prerunning of the Olympus we had the first Audi S1 here; serial
number 000001.  We nicknamed it the "BatMobile" for the extensive wings.

Audi flew it here and paid the extra not to have the sponsor's
advertising plastered all over it.  So it ran as just a white audi.  Top
speed 112 but it would do that in three blocks.  It had the "constant
air" anti lag system.  At the end it was ten minutes ahead of John
Buffum in his Audi.  

Three injectors per cylinder.  Two for fuel and one for Alcohol.

After that I eventually started Intended Acceleration. . .  

Ned Ritchie

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]
On Behalf Of Rocky Mullin
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 11:36 AM
To: John Gourley; Audi Quattro List
Subject: Re: WRC mexico - was Re: Ashcroft, BC rally X

	wow, really?!  i seem to remember the guys on speed saying that
it hadn't ever been in the USA.  good bit of trivia!

	so you saw, what, the sport quattros race?

At 7:57 AM -0700 2/16/04, John Gourley wrote:
>  >
>>  anyone planning to head south for this event?  the closest WRC
>>  has ever been to the USA,
>"has ever been".........ever is a long time:)  maybe I'm showing my age
>the WRC was held up in Washington state in 1986-87-88  when I was able
to do
>watch them all...not trying to be picking on you :)
>John Gourley
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

  Rocky Mullin              |
  http://votetoimpeach.org/ |

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