Parts prices
Rocky Mullin
caliban at
Tue Feb 17 02:58:24 EST 2004
yup. the bend you over and take you for as much as they can get.
yay, corporate america!
At 3:53 PM -0500 2/16/04, SuffolkD at wrote:
>Here's what I feel is the REAL answer.
>What the traffic can bear.
>Fairfield county CT = one of the most wealthy counties in America.
>Hence the high price at a Greenwich dealer.
>Hartford CT: Hey the Whole State is atop the per captita of the population.
>Boston less than Manhattan/NJ but that's why rural Cape Cod or mid-America
>is going to be cheaper.............
>Why is gas cheap in Springfield Mass vs the whole state?
>Why is Georgia that cheapest in the nation?
>Why is CA gas $2.00 a gallon? I can see why Hawaii gas is $2.11 a gallon.
>Next to destination charges..........locality plays the role in determining
>IMHO - Scott by BOSTON
>> From: "Mike Del Tergo" <mdeltergo at>
>> Subject:
>> To: 200q20v at
>> Message-ID: <Sea2-F6150dk0FP466L0000993f at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
>> Gary,
>> This is far from new. I have 2 dealers in the state. One in the largest
>> city and one 80 miles away. Guess who runs 20% less thant the other? It is
>> even worse if a part has a VW # and an Audi #!
>> It applies to sevice as well. When I lived in the northeasts most detached
>> from reality city, IMHO, Greenwhich Ct, one family owned virtually all of
>> the high end dealership in town. An Audi 90K service for my 4000Q was $400.
>> The same service from a dealer on Cape Cod, not the stricks by any means
>> was $160. I couldn't believe it. I got an itemized check list and it was
>> the exact same service. I have picked out my next Audi and will be more
>> than happy to buy it, in 8-10 years!
>> Mike
>> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 18:10:44 -0800
>> From: "motogo1" <motogo1 at>
>> Maybe I shouldn't post this, but this really bugs me. While researching
>> parts and prices for a clutch replacement, I found that a part which cost
>> $50 (before a 20% inet discount) from a certain Audi dealer in Boston is
>> 50%...yes 50% more expensive at a certain Audi stealer in Hartford. This is
>> pure bull#$%%. I guess it must be less expensive to do business in
>> Boston...yea right.
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Rocky Mullin | |
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