wheel bearing R&R

Jim Haseltine jim_haseltine at ntlworld.com
Sun Feb 22 18:23:52 EST 2004

I once replaced a front bearing in my Ur-q without a press. Took me the best
part of a weekend and I was shattered well before I finished the job. After
that I went out and bought a 10 ton bench mounting press......


Jim Haseltine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Wainwright" <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 1:20 PM
Subject: wheel bearing R&R

>   Listers,
>   Before I loose my mind doing a google search of the
> arcives & noticing that there's no write up on it in
> the knowledgebase I ask,
>  has anyone come up with a Magiver'ish way to do the
> bearings without bringing the car somewere? Or without
> having a press, I also have controll arms & CV boots
> to do on the front so doing everything at once would
> be great
>  is there a way around doing the job the write way
> with the proper press? Buying a press is a good idea
> but I was thinking that the cost of shipping would be
> great, unless someone in the New England are has one
> that I could comeover & use for a little, I would
> compensate for any time.
>  or is there a hand held press or something? Any BTDT
> would be great.
>  Car in question is my 90 200tqa.
> Thanks
> Ron
> 87 5ksq many mods
> 90 200tqa many mods
> 90 V8 pearl 88k 02 S4 Avus 17's
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