'82 Coupe-CSV

DBF dbf288 at eastlink.ca
Thu Feb 26 08:57:09 EST 2004

Ti, thing is, the 12v is constant.  Once the car starts, the CSV continues
firing causing the mixture to be extremely rich.  The car wants to stall.
Right now, if I was to start the car and let it idle for a minute or so (CSV
unplugged), there would still be 12volts at the plug.  If I were to plug it
in, the car would stall.  I tried unplugging the TTS and it never made a
difference.  That is why I'm wondering if the relay is pooched, or did I do
something while the fuse panel was toyed with?  Beats me.  BTW, I forgot to
mention, there was a dash swap done a few years back by the PO.  It was a
border-line butcher job.  I suspect, after thinking about it a little
longer, the possibility of a sub-par swap of the dash may be causing the
problem as well.  If your deduction is correct about my car not having a
relay, how would I check the TTS?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ti Kan" <ti at amb.org>
To: "DBF" <dbf288 at eastlink.ca>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: '82 Coupe-CSV

> DBF writes:
> > ...
> > start problem.  As part of my troubleshooting experiment, I had the CSV
> > disconnected.  After I had the fuse panel out, I decided I'd check
> > everything to ensure I never buggered anything up.  Well, I now have to
> > report there is a constant 12v to the plug for the CSV.  Looking at the
> > schematic in the Bentley, there is only 1 place for the 12v's to come
> > from and that is through the Hot Start Pulse Relay.  I hunted everywhere
> > for that bugger and cannot find it.  I have a sneaky suspicion that it
> > is under/behind the passenger side dash.  Can anyone confirm this?
> It's correct that there is 12V to the CSV as long as the ignition
> switch is on.  The circuit gets completed by the Thermo-Time Switch
> which shunts it to ground when it decides to fire the CSV.  Otherwise
> the TTS is open circuit.
> The hot start pulse relay is not found on every CIS car.  Many don't
> have it.
> -Ti
> 2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
> 2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
> 1984 5000S turbo
> 1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
> --
>  R 1 3 5  Ti Kan
>  |_|_|_|  http://www.amb.org/ti
>    | | |  Vorsprung durch Technik
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