Ground colors [Re: re. 86 5KTQ Won't Start :-(]

Huw Powell audi at
Fri Feb 27 00:33:35 EST 2004

> Although most of the gournd wiring is brown as you indicate for VAG
> wiring, green is also used, and sometime others.  I have seen Green
> commonly used as the ground wire from the Ignition coil.

That isn't a "ground" though.  It is a switched wire, switched to 
ground, or something like it, by the ignition controller.  But it's not 
a ground.

There are one or two other green wires, and they aren't grounds, either, 
in fact, the ones I could find are actually switched hot wires.

I think we just have a slight nomenclature disagreement here, in that I 
would only consider a wire to be  "ground wire" if it is always 
connected to the "-" terminal of the battery (on a negative ground 
car...).  There are, of course, many wires that are used ground circuits 
part of the time, VAG actually seem to love to switch things that way. 
Most of those wires are brown with a colored stripe.  But not all...

I suspect the coil wire isn't a brown-related color because of the 
electronic nature of its other termination.

Huw Powell

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