4kq diff lock vacuum lines

Steve Arbaugh sneekerz at comcast.net
Fri Jan 2 20:13:39 EST 2004

Ok, so now that there’s snow on the ground here in Seattle, I figure it’s
time to figure out why my diffs don’t lock (great timing, eh?). I can lock
the center diff by crawling under and pushing the rod back and forth, but
that’s not really convenient while driving down the road. The light on the
panel comes on like it’s supposed to when it’s locked. What I can’t seem to
find are the vacuum lines that are supposed to make this thing work
automagically. Where on the lock actuator are the lines connected? And,
where do they come from (from somewhere under the hood or ???)?

I haven’t even looked at the rear locker yet, so any insight will be gladly
accepted. I also haven’t been to the back side of the switch yet because I’
ve never figured out how the bits of the console come out, the ones with the
window switches then the one with the diff lock switch.

Why did they put a catastrophic converter right in my way???

’86 4kq
’86 5ktqa (with working diff locks)
kent, wa

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