Intermittent gas gauge

Andrew Duane andrew at
Tue Jan 6 17:30:48 EST 2004

Recently, my 2000 A6Q has developed (yet another) annoying little problem.
Every once in a while, when I start it, the gas gauge will read empty,
and the gas warning light comes on. After 30-90 seconds, it swings from
empty to full, and will stay there for about 5 minutes, slowly settling
back down to where it should be.

This has happened maybe a dozen times, with no discernable pattern
(e.g. cold/warm, first start or been running all day).



Andrew Duane		Member Technical Staff - ATG
SavaJe Technologies	andrew at
100 Apollo Drive	p: 978.256.6521 x 343
Chelmsford, MA 01824	f: 978.256.8386

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