A6 electrical problems

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at NWOnline.Net
Tue Jan 13 12:49:32 EST 2004

My dentist knows I am an Audi enthusiast, and told me about his car while I 
was in the office. It was a long story about dissatisfaction with a car he 
bought new.

Generally, battery runs down, then the car won't start.

Details: Over the past year, this original owner 2000 A6 2.7TQ at 46k 
repeatedly displays a dead battery requiring jump start.  Most recent 
problem: Car taken to dealer to get this problem fixed, then driving 10 
miles home from dealer, engine cuts off while moving at 50 mph. Pulls off 
road, restarts, runs 10 seconds, dies. Dealer sends assistance, jump starts 
successfully, returns car to dealership where it remains for days. 
Diagnosis: Loose battery cable. Replaced cable and battery.  Owner gets car 
back, continues to go out to start the car in the morning and finds it with 
low battery.

Owner doesn't trust the car anymore. Comments that fellow dentist just got 
rid of his TT sport model because it was "quirky." (Translate that into 
unreliable, needing to go back to dealer for all kinds of problems.  I 
didn't ask for details on that one.)

When the A6 electrical problem appeared a year ago, dealer instructed owner 
to lock the car when he parked it overnight, claiming the computer was 
staying on and running down the battery if car wasn't locked. Owner has 
been following those instructions, and battery still won't stay up and give 
reliable starts.

I promised to bring these A6 problems to the attention of the list, and 
relay lister replies back to my dentist. I think he would appreciate any 
thoughts the community has, or similar experiences.

Doyt Echelberger
87 5ktq, running strong and totally reliable (today)

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