Brake pad warning light-trying to bypass it...type 44

Mikea2769 at Mikea2769 at
Wed Jan 14 17:00:13 EST 2004

The brake pad warning light (autocheck) has been coming on even though pads 
are only slightly worn. At 300+k miles I don't feel the need to have this 
function enabled so I sliced the connections together at both front wheels, but I 
still get the warning light. So it seems there is a break further up the line. 
Can anyone tell me precisely where I can splice these wires (upline) to keep 
the light from coming on?

BTW, if I run the autocheck with the engine off-no warning. As soon as I 
start the car-warning light illuminates.

Mike Aiello
87 5kcstq, 302k miles, orig. owner

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