Cold has reared it's ugly head
Larry C. Leung
l.leung at
Wed Jan 14 18:06:46 EST 2004
It's not bad at all in the summer, have done it both seasons. Summer is
SOOOO much
better than winter. And, in my best understanding, I have heard it may be
easier on the
20V motors....? (no poking, prodding, persueading, past and under the
timing cover on
the 20V?).
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 19:30:41 +0100 "Richard Tanimura"
<richard at> writes:
> Yeah, when is it a fun replacement?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: at
> [ at]On Behalf
> Of
> l.leung at
> Sent: den 14 januari 2004 17:35
> To: teamdaemon at
> Cc: quattro at
> Subject: Re: Cold has reared it's ugly head
> Paul,
> Me thinks, the tiny little turbo coolant hose has burst.
> Runs from the head coolant flange, across the
> front of the head and down to the turbo. It
> consists of a short approximately 1/4 ID pipe
> with a banjo fitting that bends 90 degrees
> around the front of the head, then a short section
> of hose, which is the weak link and has probably
> blown. Hope you didn't do any damage in the
> last ~1 mile to the station. This isn't a fun
> replacement job in this weather.
> LL - NY
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 15:00:08 +0000
> From: teamdaemon at
> Subject: Cold has reared it's ugly head
> To: 200q20v at, quattro at
> Message-ID: <011420041500.12325.e59 at>
> Hello all-
> I am afraid that the cold in the northeast this morning (-8F when I
> left the
> house) has identified a weak link in the 200 20V. I let the car
> idle for
> about
> 10 minutes to warm up before leaving the house. When I got in,
> still cold,
> no
> heat. Hmmm.
> Started my drive to the subway. Still no heat. This is not a new
> thing, and
> I
> try exercising the climate control, going from full cold to full
> hot, but
> still
> nothing. As I was almost there, I noticed a lot of
> "smoke/steam/something" from
> behind me. I shut the engine down and coasted to the side of the
> road. Pop
> the
> hood. There is fluid and steam on the passager side of the engine,
> behind
> the
> rbo. I *think* it was coolant. Coolant resevior was empty.
> Radiator was
> cool, engine was cool. There is fluid all over.
> Stuck with the possibility of sitting by the side of the road in -3F
> temps,
> I
> fired up the car. Started right up. I drove it the ~1 mile to the
> parking
> garage. For a while, the car would not drop below 3K rmp. Check
> engin
> light is
> on. The idle finally dropped.
> It is now parked at the Alewife garage on the roof. Any thoughts?
> With
> these
> temps, I am just tempted to get it towed to a mechanic and call it a
> day,
> but
> wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts.
> Thanks much,
> PS - Brett, if you are around this eve and and are willing to poke
> around
> tha
> car with me, BEvERages on me. :)
> --
> Paul Luevano
> paul at clarity dot net
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