4kq v8

Bob DAmato bob at audisport.com
Wed Jan 21 14:32:00 EST 2004

If I had my choice to use either Bosch engine management that was "Made 
by engineers for our car" Or use "Uncle daves lawnmower management that 
can be retroffited for audis" I would go with Uncle Dave.  The 
electronics in our cars suck, and the engine management isnt much 
better.. Ive heard good things about efi.


Denis wrote:

>Yep  some things that has been thank by teem eng... and dont work for long.
>But there is other things that  a very well designed by eng.
>Same for other people.... some with  no studies at all can do great stuff
>..and other without studies do very stupid things,,,,, all depend if we use
>our brain where we are the best ;-)..... my opnion only. I m scared
>somethime to give my opninion cause i miss things somethime, that can change
>my mind ;-)
>oh , the last email from      de      was me ;-)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: no1of consequence <iin10ded at hotmail.com>
>To: <larry_flint01 at yahoo.com>; <repaair at msn.com>
>Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:07 PM
>Subject: re: 4kq v8
>><<Someone with an ENGINEERING degree has done all the work for you! Look
>>newer 4.2 liter coil packs.>>
>>yeah well.. someone with an engineering degree also designed my
>>power steering system, plasitc radiator outlets, cc system, cruise
>>cis, intentioanlly non-serviceable center driveshaft bearing and brake
>>among other things ive seen in my diggings and thought, "WTF!!!".
>>Check out the coupons and bargains on MSN Offers!
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