Two questions on two cars

Doug Yoder yoderw at
Thu Jan 29 13:36:46 EST 2004

Hi everyone-

Two questions today.  One is a "how does it work" and one is a "why
doesn't it work"...

Car: '91 100 (non-q).  Problem: Stalling, low power, engine won't rev. 
Start car, starts fine, idles a little rough (but it always has,
especially cold).  Try to rev engine (in neutral) and it gets up to maybe
3-4 k, then stops and hunts around between 3-4krpms.  Let up on the
accelerator and the car almost stalls, have to give it a little bit of
pedal and it settles into idle.  Try to drive car and it stalls when you
let up on the accelerator.
Thoughts: Fuel delivery? Have checked pump runs, and relay is OK. Need to
replace filter, just in case. The dreaded vacuum leak? This is my guess
right now. I previously noticed the crankcase breather hose is not in the
best shape... trying to remove it today and it is stuck on, have to do
more to get it lose later.  Intake air boot seems OK. Battery/alternator
voltage doesn't seem to affect the condition.

And now, for the easier/more fun question:
Car: '87 5kcstq.  How does the turbo system regulate boost?  IIRC, it has
something to do with the wastegate spring... so when the boost gets above
a certain level (1.2-1.3 bar stock?) the spring opens a valve which
releases some of the pressure, right?  If I were to, say, accelerate hard
and see 1.6 bar on the boost gage, then lose a lot of power and see the
boost drop to 1.0 bar, that would be the wastegate valve in action?


PS: cyl/age ratio w/ prime modifier: 1.30 (drops to 1.25 in a little over
a week though...)

|    Doug Yoder    |   wdy at   |    |
|  Don't tell me the sky's the limit...                                |
|                                  ...there's footprints on the moon.  |

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