Intake system opinons

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Wed Jul 7 03:46:07 EDT 2004

Ah, that does not apply to our audis, the car's in the fast and the furious
have 10+ gears......also they have a "magic" engine. When drag racing they
have the ability to go to a lower gear to gain more acceleration ;)
The intake does sound like a good idea for dragging, just cant figure out
what it is worth in real worl performance.

Best Regards,
Alan Pritchard

Network Administrator
Mechanical Design Engineer
Seaeye Marine Ltd.
+44 (0)1329 289000

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Huw Powell [mailto:audi at] 
Sent:	06 July 2004 22:40
To:	Alan Pritchard
Cc:	Quattro List (E-mail)
Subject:	Re: Intake system opinons

> Looking around the internet I came across an intake system which uses
> c02 to chill a housing where the intake charge passes through, further
> investigation and I came across an aem v2 intake system, which uses 2
> different diameter tubes of differing lengths to provide a tuned inlet
> arrangement.

> Question.... What are the real benefits of these systems

Well, presumably, a denser charge allowing more power.  Sound smore like 
something short term, though, like for parts of a race or a drag race. 
I guess that depends on how long a cylinder of CO2 lasts.  Seems a bit 
silly for a street car.

I did watch the Fast & Furious surfer flick, however, and apparently, if 
you push your manifold temps too high, your diamond-plate floorboards 
will fall off the car.  So be careful out there!

Huw Powell

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