No RWD Audis after all!

David Eaton dave.eaton at
Sat Jul 10 16:41:04 EDT 2004

the most obvious way of doing this is to do what the dtm awd
cars did and use gear cassettes to carry drive from the
transmission-mounted front diff each side of the engine to
the front driveshafts.  this allows the engine and
transmission to be situated lower (which is already an
advantage of the audi/subaru layout), without extensive
re-engineering.  friction and noise would be the challenges.

'01 s8

----- Original Message -----
> Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 22:50:58 -0700
> From: "Andrew Buc" <abuc at>
> Subject: No RWD Audis after all!
> To: Quattro List <quattro at>
> This from August 2004 _Car_ magazine:
> "VW group chairman Bernd Pischetsrieder has decided a
> switch to rear drive would alienate too many existing Audi
> customers. Instead, he's proposed a compromise plan that
> will see the powertrains in Audi's front-drive and Quattro
> models moved rearwards to reduce the weight distribution
> over the front wheels from 65 to 55 percent."
> <sight of relief!>

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