80q ignition lock switch replacement

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 12 17:16:43 EDT 2004

Megan Bigelow wrote:
> i've recently acquired an 88 80q with a hairy ignition lock cylinder. it 
> was sticky for a while, and tonight at work, it just plain quit. the 
> original key will not turn and is bringing out some metal shavings with 
> it (tiny ones). 

Well, since I haven't seen a response to this, I'll give my two cents
as it applies to a '94 100.  On that car (C4 body), the ignition switch
is in the dashboard, not on the side of the steering column.  It is
comprised of two parts: one part is the lock cylinder, into which the
key fits. This has a 2nd cylinder attached to the side which goes to
the steering column.  The second part is the electrical switch, which
fits into the end of the first part.  I understand that the electrical
switch is available separately for about US$40.

Of course, it may be that none of this applies to your 80q.

Kent McLean
'94 Audi 100 S Avant, V6-12v FWD automatic
'89 Audi 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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