Black trim restore?

David duandcc_forums at
Wed Jul 14 08:34:40 EDT 2004

From: "Matt Suffern" <msuffern at>
Date: 2004/07/13 Tue AM 09:10:42 EDT
To: quattro at
Subject: Black trim restore?

Anyone have any recommendations as far as a product that will restore the black rub strips around my '86 4kq?  They're beginning to fade noticeably--you 
can see it on the rear bumper in this picture, in spite of the fact that the car's just been rained on:

I've heard of stuff that sprays on, and stuff that rubs on, but no one I've talked to has had personal experience with the products.  Any BTDTs would be very 
helpful.  Thanks!

'86 4kq
Chapel Hill, NC
quattro mailing list
quattro at
Kiwi Scuff Majic. You know...the liquid shoe polish that has the foam applicator built into the bottle? Works great and is far less expensive thatn products like "Back to Black", which as far as I can tell are just repackaged scuff magic (event he bottles are the same). It takes 1-3 coats depending on how faded/chalky your trim is...but it looks like new when done and lasts a long time between treatments.

87 Coupe GT 2.3
SE Virginia, USA

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