removing rear quarter window from part-out Avant

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Thu Jul 22 12:32:47 EDT 2004

Ben Swann wrote:

>I spent the better part of 3 hours and had the rear quarter window 
>to the point of doing the victory dance - it was hanging from the 
>top rubber sealant after carefully cutting around. Giving it a 
>steady pull as the remaining sealant was slowly pealing away while 
>thinking I had it made, but for some reason the thing exploding into 
>a million pieces!

Then Brett said:

Kind of surprising- I would have thought the stuff would be safety 
glass and hence crack, but not "explode".

So Dan sez:

I thought that was the point behind safety glass - no big pieces left to slice open the skin.......?


Dan D

'04 A4 1.8T q MT-6

Central NJ USA

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