Windshield cards and etiquette

Brett Dikeman brett at
Mon Jul 26 11:19:09 EDT 2004

At 10:58 AM -0400 7/26/04, David Kavanagh wrote:
>I'll link to audifans....

Thanks David!

>  My question is about an logo that I could
>use. Could you publish a URL for an image that people could use to
>create the lnik? If there was a fixed location that would contain the
>logo de jour (I know it doesn't change much, but a fixed location is
>always nice).
>So, I'd insert something like this in my web page;
><a href=""><img border=no

Don't forget ALT text in the img tag, for people using text browsers 
or screen readers (ie the blind)- especially if you're using the 
image for a link!  ALT tags should always be used.

This is the main page logo, but it's not exactly button-sized.  I'd 
suggest most people link without the logo, but it's up to you.

The dimensions are 256x35, so also specify WIDTH="256" HEIGHT="35" 
(specifying the dimensions of the image allows browsers to display 
the page immediately even if graphics have not loaded.  People on 
dialup will kiss you for that).

You know, I smell a good Knowledgebase entry...hmm.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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