dirty fuel tank

Aaron Jongbloedt jungle at hickorytech.net
Mon Jun 28 20:21:01 EDT 2004

are we sure it is rust.....I recently learned that some audi's have the
inside of the fuel tank coated from the factory, and that coating comes of
and clogs fuel pumps and filters....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kneale Brownson" <knotnook at traverse.com>
To: "Jim & Michelle" <jimhill at blomand.net>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: dirty fuel tank

> If there's rust inside, the tank most likely is rusting through from the
> outside.   It'll probably start leaking soon.   I just replaced the
> fuel tank on my 200q20v, and even though the tank looked pristine inside,
> there were little bits of rust starting to accumulate that has to be from
> the rust-through.
> Is this a non-quattro?  If so, it'll be fairly easy to drop the tank.   My
> 200 is a quattro and it's a real chore to get that tank out.   On my
> motorcycle list, there's been frequent reports of success with treating
> rusty gas tanks with a product from Por-15   http://www.por15.com/    Read
> the tank sealer info completely.  You have to have the tank loose to be
> able to treat it the way they describe.    They claim they even can repair
> holes with their products.
> At 05:09 PM 6/28/2004 -0500, Jim & Michelle wrote:
> >I'm the guy with all the problems with my sons 5KT.  It will idle decent
> >but misses when reved to the point of smothering out completely I'ved
> >changed distributors, replaced some vaccume hoses replaced air hose at
> >metering box, fuel filter, & fuel pump was changed before I aquired the
> > I decided to check the fuel filter for my own sake and found the filter
> >screen to be covered with very fine particles of rust almost completely.
> >I'm assuming that could explain my rev problem ( I'm hoping anyway).  My
> >question for you;  can I use brick acid to clean the rust from the tank,
> >then use a gas tank coating liquid to fix my rust problem?
> >
> >Jim
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