2000 A6Q Rear Brake service info needed

David Ritter dritter at up.net
Mon Mar 8 16:57:27 EST 2004

Hello listers,
I've been through the bentley and FA on this subject, but I still don't
find all the answers.
Anyone having this done lately, please chime in...
The patient is a 00 A6Q 2.8V6 with the 5 speed manual transmission.
The rear pads are about gone, and the rear rotors don't look good enough
to keep.
The part numbers I found in the FA were 4A0 615 601A for rotors and 8E0
698 451 for pads. I talked to the friendly folks at the parts connection
and they suggested that I had the wrong part numbers. Anyone know the
correct numbers?
I don't yet own the tool for spinning the piston back into the calipers,
anyone know of a good source in the US?

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