100Q vs V8 clutch holding torque

Denis sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 18 15:33:29 EST 2004

Peter do you have the mesure of that pp ?

The flywheel i ll use is a flate one, so if the LT1 pp goes to the LT1 it s
flate flyweel , then i could bolt it (make new holes ) to my flywheel ,
right ?
But the pp must not be bigger than my flywheel. if the LT1 use the 5000TQ
disk then i could bolt that pp to my flywheel.
-And why not by the way use the complete LT1 clutch(flyw + pp)  and make new
holes to bolt on the Audi V8. It s what i m doing anyway with another Audi
flyw to fit the V8 crank.


----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Golledge <petergg at dimensional.com>
To: Denis <sparkplugvw at hotmail.com>
Cc: quattro list <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: 100Q vs V8 clutch holding torque

> An uprated disk would be nice, I have not had an issue there yet though.
> The Kennedy pressure plate seems to provide plenty of clamping pressure
> for the LT1 app.
> The std disk will suffer, just a question of how long it will
> last.  So far may failure mode has been the diaphragm in the
> clutch pressure plate failing.
> I know Rob Dupree blew up at at least one gearbox AutoXing and the
> clutch disk survived that kind of abuse.
> On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 14:31, Denis wrote:
> > The LT1 use a standard disk !!!! mmmmm i asked machine shop about it and
> > recommended use a stronger disk for a 400Nm,,, application. The stock
> > ll suffer from the 400Nm torque.
> > The disk cost double the standard unit. Does he use standard pads too ?
> --
> Peter Golledge
> 87 LT1Q, 89 200TQA, 79 Porsche 930

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