100Q vs V8 clutch holding torque

Denis sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 18 15:33:27 EST 2004

I dont understand whey the machiniste where they want me to buy his disk
with different material pads. If it slip easily on one side, it does not
matter if the other side is grip very well,, so it ll slip first on the side
wich the pads have less grip.

So It absolutly need same pads type material on BOTH side. My opinion

He explain to me a good grip ll make a drag type clutch  , wich grip fast
and  not streetable and the streetable appl ll make my clutch slip with std
pads. So he told me , one side hight grip pads, and the other side less grip
pads(std) to make an average  grip disk ......mmmmmm well, i m not Doc on
disk pads but for me it s not it all an average ;-)

The pressure plate does skeeze the disk to get good grip. The one i need for
V8 Audi application is a S2 or 20V T pp (same ) BUT it s impossible find
them here and i have to buy a complete new S2 clutch, only to get the
pressure plate grrrrrrrrr. I have 100Q pressure plate but l not grip

Is it possible to moood the 100Q pp ?


----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Golledge <petergg at dimensional.com>
To: Denis <sparkplugvw at hotmail.com>
Cc: quattro list <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: 100Q vs V8 clutch holding torque

> An uprated disk would be nice, I have not had an issue there yet though.
> The Kennedy pressure plate seems to provide plenty of clamping pressure
> for the LT1 app.
> The std disk will suffer, just a question of how long it will
> last.  So far may failure mode has been the diaphragm in the
> clutch pressure plate failing.
> I know Rob Dupree blew up at at least one gearbox AutoXing and the
> clutch disk survived that kind of abuse.
> On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 14:31, Denis wrote:
> > The LT1 use a standard disk !!!! mmmmm i asked machine shop about it and
> > recommended use a stronger disk for a 400Nm,,, application. The stock
> > ll suffer from the 400Nm torque.
> > The disk cost double the standard unit. Does he use standard pads too ?
> --
> Peter Golledge
> 87 LT1Q, 89 200TQA, 79 Porsche 930

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