At the end of my rope with this stinkin cis
Kurt Deschler
desch at
Sun Mar 21 19:20:02 EST 2004
Do not hook an ammeter in parallel with the DPR. You could fry its drivers
or at least blow the fuse in your meter. No current means no voltage.
Maybe try checking for open wires between the DPR and ECU.
87 5kcstq
88 vw gti 16v
00 S4
> Message: 4
> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 15:47:47 -0500
> From: "Brendan Walsh" <bkwalsh4201 at>
> Subject: Re: At the end of my rope with this stinkin cis
> To: audi at, quattro at
> Message-ID: <BAY16-F112g5oQJgAGe0002105c at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
> I'm running cis-e in an 87 cgt, meter was hooked up in series with the dpr
> The meter is always reading 1.01mA when the car is running or not, warm or
> cold. if i disconnect the meter the car get's erratic, reconnect the plug
> and it smooths out. if i switch the meter to the uA(micro amp) range i can
> see slight variations+/- 2 uA. It should be in the 10 mA range correct?
> SHould i be hooking up the meter in parralell? Could it be screwing up the
> circuit?
> Brendan
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