audi 4k engine cooling / interior heating issues

Kevin Boykin bkevind at
Mon Mar 22 15:33:23 EST 2004

Thanks.  I should spend more time on your site and the
archives here rather than spouting off randam
questions.  I have a hard time not spouting randomly
however :)

--- Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> >> How does one get the setting right on the CO
> deal?
> >> Trimmed back the car is a dog...but I can't tell
> how
> >> much I should adjust it with my allen wrench.
> Two ways:  the "right" way is to adjust for minimum
> CO at warm idle. 
> But who has a gas analyser lying around?
> The other way to adjust it while measuring the
> control pressure actuator 
> current.
> perhaps useful info at one of these files...
> -- 
> Huw Powell

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