[A6] check engine line

joel nevin joelnevin at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 23 08:18:44 EST 2004

A lot of 2.7t's have been having 2 issues.

Bad temp sensors which would trip the CEL
and a bad MAF(Mass Air Flow) sensor.

The MAF is covered under audi warranty until 70k, the
temp sensor isn't, but you have a 1 yr warranty.

I have the codes somewhere if you need them.
As I just had mine done.


--- David Kavanagh <dak at rochester.rr.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> The patient is a '00 A6 2.7t. When my wife was
> driving the car home, she 
> got a check engine light. She correctly pulled over
> and called me. I 
> asked her to check the temp gauges and asked if she
> smelled anything 
> strange or if she noticed anything odd about the
> performance of the car. 
> All answers were nominal, so said she should drive
> home in a reasonable 
> fashion (<10 minutes). She thought she smelled
> something once the car 
> was in the garage. About 10 minutes later, I went
> out and didn't notice 
> any smells. I took some plastic covers off the
> engine and had a good 
> look around. Hmm, nothing dripping, oil level is
> just below min. Nothing 
> else odd looking, or of concern. I had checked the
> oil several weeks ago 
> and saw it was right at min, but knew I'd be
> changing it soon (this week 
> actually) and left it alone. I put a little over 1
> quart of oil in the 
> engine, saw that the level was now a bit above min.
> Run the engine for 
> about 20 seconds, light still on. Hmm.
> Thoughts? The import car dealer I got the car from
> gave me a 1 year 
> warrantee. Since I picked up the car May 1, 2003,
> I'm taking it there to 
> get codes pulled. Is it a good idea to drive that 15
> minutes? I'm 
> considering a short drive around the block to see if
> the thing resets 
> itself. Sure wish I had that VAG-COM now!
> Thanks,
> David
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