[A6] check engine line

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 23 09:10:16 EST 2004

As far as driving it safely, I understood that a solid warning light meant
get to the dealer when you can, and a flashing warning light meant shut
the car off RIGHT NOW.... This is not confirmed by my owner's manual
(which doesn't even really refer to a 'check engine light' at all); it
instead refers to yellow and red warnings. It appears that my car will
tell me specifically what it is seeing for certain items (i.e., low
coolant, low oil pressure, etc.) versus a generic 'check engine'... I hope
to not find out!

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8T q MT-6
Central NJ USA
--- David Kavanagh <dak at rochester.rr.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> The patient is a '00 A6 2.7t. When my wife was driving the car home, she
> got a check engine light. She correctly pulled over and called me. I 
> asked her to check the temp gauges and asked if she smelled anything 
> strange or if she noticed anything odd about the performance of the car.
> All answers were nominal, so said she should drive home in a reasonable 
> fashion (<10 minutes). She thought she smelled something once the car 
> was in the garage. About 10 minutes later, I went out and didn't notice 
> any smells. I took some plastic covers off the engine and had a good 
> look around. Hmm, nothing dripping, oil level is just below min. Nothing
> else odd looking, or of concern. I had checked the oil several weeks ago
> and saw it was right at min, but knew I'd be changing it soon (this week
> actually) and left it alone. I put a little over 1 quart of oil in the 
> engine, saw that the level was now a bit above min. Run the engine for 
> about 20 seconds, light still on. Hmm.
> Thoughts? The import car dealer I got the car from gave me a 1 year 
> warrantee. Since I picked up the car May 1, 2003, I'm taking it there to
> get codes pulled. Is it a good idea to drive that 15 minutes? I'm 
> considering a short drive around the block to see if the thing resets 
> itself. Sure wish I had that VAG-COM now!
> Thanks,
> David
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