Parking Brake Cable removal - 87 5KTQW

Edward R. Wendell IV erwendell at
Wed Mar 24 19:56:12 EST 2004


There is a steel clip that fits into a slot on each one of the cable 
housings that must be pulled free and then the housing can be pulled 
rearward and free of the hole. The inner cable then fits through the 
slot thus freeing the whole assembly from the car. If you live anywhere 
in the world that sees snow you'll likely need new ones as the existing 
ones will be paper thin. If you got the cables from Blau* I know for a 
fact that they stock the clips and I would imagine that The Parts 
Connection would have them as well. In a pinch, e clips from the 
hardware store will work but they are a little more difficult to 

Other tips: Get used to this job. My last set of cables lasted six 
years before the outer housings cracked and caused the usual seizing 
problems. Also, be careful when removing the adjuster nut on the end of 
the link arm from the brake lever. Mine seized on rust on the threads 
and snapped off. Luckily I had enough length left to work with but it's 
probably desirable to exercise more patience and use more lube. Make 
sure you hit all the mounting points when threading the cables back 
through. Once again, don't be like me and miss the little wire hoop 
hiding under the resonator heat shield and end up doing it twice.


Roy Wendell
Clarksburg WV USA
86, 87 5kcstq
87 MR2 times 2
Three turbos, two quattros, too much fun

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