Was: V-A-G "future", Now: Skoda

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Thu Mar 25 19:14:50 EST 2004

Wry smiles and some laughs. Cheap. Drivers are usually miserly or
eccentric or have no sense of embarassment or all three.

Or socialists ;o)  Knew 2 school teachers in 1989/90 in Austria (lower
living standard part - Steiermark), a male and a female, who were then
or previously married to each other.  They had his and hers pre-VAG
Skoda's (isn't that ironic?), those were some sorry autos but cheap on
fuel.  To make matters worse another auto-less teacher borrowed one of
the Skoda's to drive to Greece with his family.  The thing broke down in
(pre-war) Yugoslavia, they were charged not too cheaply for a
who-knows-where-from engine, which made it there and broke when they
were back in Austria.

>Skoda recognise their reputation and play on it, running a series of
amusingly self-depreciating tv ads.

What else is there?


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