urq $$

Ingo D. Rautenberg ingo at waratap.com
Fri Mar 26 11:22:36 EST 2004

Oh, forgot to mention, the Urq was not based on the coupe.  This is actually
the reverse -- the coupe came after the Urq.  If you wanted to make an Urq
using a coupe GT body, you first have to section in the floor pan of a 4kq,
plus you'd need the Urq $$ fenders, five bolt early 5k hubs, 4kq suspension,
etc. And lets not forget the  24 US gal $$ fuel tank ;-)  Think the car was
designed with rallying in mind.  How many other 2-door passenger cars can
you name with 24 gallon fuel tanks???  Didn't think so.


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