audi future

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Sun Mar 28 23:15:38 EST 2004

At 6:17 PM +0000 3/26/04, no1of consequence wrote:

>my freinds all have the same perception, that when the honda breaks 
>its an anomoly, and they all tell me to ditch my silly audi and 
>'just get a  honda'. grrrrr.. even my brother, a DUCATI mecahnic 
>[now there are some reliability issues]

	hahahha ducati hahahahah valve job every 5k miles hahahaha overpriced
mechanics and parts hahahaha sucker bike

	but a ball to ride, and mmm that sound.

  Rocky Mullin   |
  5 right opens long into 6 left plus tightens over crest 50

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