Short? Alternator? Ground?

Ben Swann benswann at
Tue Mar 30 00:21:10 EST 2004


It is late and I'm just trying to catch up on my backlog, so may have missed something in your details..It sounds like you have a break in the exciter wire that triggers the alternator to charge.

If the new battery is only measuring 10V, then it might have a bad cell, but I suspect alt not charging.  That and you may have a discharge going on even when car not running.

If you can drive it down here, we can check it out.


[Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 21:30:36 -0500
From: Mholme3 at
Subject: Short?  Alternator? Ground?
To: quattro at
Message-ID: <0210C69C.412C2256.0018A1C9 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

4kq with brand new battery.  Doesn't get more than 10 volts and sputters on acceleration.  It will not move with any consumers(headlights, radio, etc.) going.  Warning lights on dash are glowing very faintly.  Start testing for shorts with test light through battery ground and start yanking fuses.  Pulled all fuses one by one, test light stays on.  Pulled all relays, test light stays on.  Start yanking harness at back of fuse box.  Pulled yellow 5 wire harness near rear of fuse box, test light goes off.  I assume this is the source of the problem.  But the battery/brake/oxs light are still glowing with this harness pulled and the key in the "on" position.  I'm at a total loss here.  I have checked all the grounds in car and under hood. Cleaned all terminals on battery and alternator.  Could this be my alternator  saying bye bye?  Internal short in fuse box? I went through this two days ago and the car magicaly cured itself and was fine for a day.  Any help is appreciated.


87 4kq]

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