traffic woes and laws

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Tue Mar 30 22:02:29 EST 2004

	anything can be disabled.  i am willing to wager that big brother
will implement systems and processes making it impossible to drive with
said units disabled.  perhaps you can't get fuel, or can't use the roads,
something like that.  infrastructure that doesn't let you pass or do something
with a disabled tracking unit.

At 4:02 PM -0500 3/30/04, Robert Myers wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-3A2D480; 
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>Are you willing to wager that it can't be disabled?
>At 12:43 PM 3/30/2004 -0800, Rocky Mullin wrote:
>>	get used to it.  in ten years, tracking hardware will be a part
>>of every new car.
>>At 9:49 AM -0500 3/30/04, Bob wrote:
>>>Kind of like the GPS debacle in rental cars...
>>>Robert Myers wrote:
>>>>And if installed what would you want to wager that the prime use 
>>>>will be to remotely read speeds and to identify evil miscreants 
>>>>who exceed an arbitrary limit so that our wonderful REOs can use 
>>>>that information for the purpose of generating more revenue?
>>>>At 06:29 AM 3/30/2004 -0800, Kevin Boykin wrote:
>>>>>I think this idea would actually be a very good one
>>>>>for law enforcement so that they don't have to engage
>>>>>in dangerous car chases.  Arguable any perp will run
>>>>>harder when being chased.  Don't chase him, he won't
>>>>>run.  Embed a tracking device on his car and meet him
>>>>>at his destination.  Or employ the electromagnetic
>>>>>pulse idea and shut him down (dangers there -
>>>>>especially at speed)
>>>>Lies - the real Weapons of Mass Destruction!
>>>>  Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
>>>>  Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA  WV tag Q SHIP
>>>>  '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen   ICQ 22170244
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>>  Rocky Mullin   |
>>  5 right opens long into 6 left plus tightens over crest 50
>Lies - the real Weapons of Mass Destruction!
>  Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372   
>  Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA  WV tag Q SHIP        
>  '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen   ICQ 22170244         

  Rocky Mullin   |
  5 right opens long into 6 left plus tightens over crest 50

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