Radio Codes 5TQ help

Dr. Ian McArthur sutul at
Sun May 2 11:39:45 EDT 2004

I need advice on over-riding Bosch radio security codes.  I have two Bosch
radios out of my 88 5TQ's in at a repair shop.  They want $100.00 each to
fix the security codes.

I just heard from an Audi repair shop friend that there is a way to
over-ride the security features in these radios by removing the radio fuse
(not the one in fuse pane;l under the hood) , disconnecting the battery,
reconnecting ..... or something like that.

Does anyone have any info on this procedure?

I need some very quick advice because I want to call off the radio repair
shop first thing Monday morning if I can save $200.00.

Thanks in advance ...

PS:  looked at a couple of new V6 TTs with the twin shaft transmission
yesterday.  I want one.
Dr. Ian McArthur, Consulting by Acronym, Cochrane, Alberta
sutul at

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