SV: Looking for matching headunit

Drew MacPherson drew at
Tue May 4 21:40:07 EDT 2004

On Wed, 5 May 2004, Jorgen Karlsson wrote:

> Which head unit do you have? I have found that the Pioneer has a lousy MP3
> decoder. I have tried comparing an MP3 file and a CD burned with the same
> MP3 as source material and the original CD the mp3 was ripped from. Both the
> CD's sound almost the same but the MP3 sounds like crap.

I have a Kenwood 8017.  The UI leaves a great deal to be desired - the
buttons are tiny and hard to find, especially in the dark, as secondary
functions like "repeat","random" and "attenuate" are not illumninated. I 
have had the unit for at least two years, and used it in two daily 
drivers.  It's currently in my Scirocco.

> To find which mp3 settings the Pioneer doesn't support I have tried using
> several different mp3 encoders, different bitrates, FBR and VBR without
> hearing any difference. The MP3 always sound like crap when played through
> this head unit.

I have no complaints about the sound quality of the Kenwood, or its
decoding capabilities.  As I mentioned earlier, the bulk of what I listen
to is from my CD collection, which I have encoded at 160kb/s.


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