floppy accel. pedal in type44

Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil
Mon May 10 14:58:16 EDT 2004

It sounds like the clip under the hood might have slipped, that would cause
the symptoms except, more power???
Hope that helps.
Tony Hoffman

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Dyer [mailto:chrisdyer at hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 1:18 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: floppy accel. pedal in type44

Car is a '87 5ksctq, runs great. Need help with something that may be 
nothing (yeah, right):

Started on my merry way this morning, and felt an ever so slight click or 
snap when pushing down the accelerator pedal. Then I noticed that now there 
is lots of play until something happens; about 2 inched of play or 
"floppyness" until it contacts.  Also unusual is that once the pedal is 
pressed to its contact area, acceleration/response seems slightly improved.

Can I get a whu whut?

The only time I've experienced anything similar is when the plastic 
cam/bushing for the accel. cable broke, and it wouldn't let me push any 
further. Then when I forced it, the cable broke. Oops! And I was 5 hours 
from home in the Owens Valley...So the above symptoms are kinda opposite of 
these new symptoms.

I'm at work, so I haven't had any time to jimmy around and look at the 
pedal, cable, etc. Any ideas? Things to check?


from chrisdyer at hotmail.com

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