urq t-shirt design

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Nov 1 13:05:38 EST 2004

Well- the design is still TBD, however I had thought it would be cool to have teh UPG logo on there with names of cities that will be having some sort of UPG type get together this year- kinda like a very tasteful (of course) tour shirt for a band.  BUt we'll see if that works out.  Primary graphic would be (well my thoughts at least - we'll see) a dark (amazon, black, graphite etc) US Spec (some artistic license w/ bumpers, ride height, tire width etc) street urq coming around a bend on canyon road.

anyway....so far we're looking at 75 potential shirts and I need to speak with Thompson to discuss viabilty of a run this size, or thereabouts.  Keep sending emails OFF LIST so I can gauge interest level-


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