Long Life oil filters

Iain Atkinson iain.atkinson at eastbourne.audi.co.uk
Tue Nov 2 02:53:22 EST 2004

Never heard of a longlife oil filter, and i work for audi in the uk maybe
it's market specific, the only thing i am thinking of is a filter that's
designed to work with audi's long life service programme i.e petrol cars
19000 miles or 2 years and diesel 30000 miles or 2years maximum in both

I would stick to your original thoughts and chnage it every 10k (kms or 6k

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sam Clarkson" <sam at edgetoedge.co.nz>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 5:17 AM
Subject: Long Life oil filters

> Hi all
> I ordered an oil filter from my friendly Audi dealer for my 1B (200TQA)
> and behold a new "long life" 30,000km filter arrives. Bigger than the
> old. Wadda ya reckon team? 30k sounds a looong time to me. While we are
> debating..... just how often do we all change our oil and/or filters?
> The book sez 15,000km yet I've always done both at 10,000 and I drive
> rural roads ie long trips with little stop/start running. What about
> you?
> Sam Clarkson
> Edge to Edge
> P.O. Box 27
> National Park 2653
> Ph 0800 800 SKI (754)
> http://www.edgetoedge.co.nz
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