typ44 - who carries the radiator w/ the metal side/hose necks

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Tue Nov 2 07:49:48 EST 2004

At 12:16 PM +0000 11/2/04, l.leung at juno.com wrote:

>As JordanVW posted that he was replacing a radiator
>on an 86 5KTQ, he doesn't NEED the side connections
>for the auxiliary radiator.

I'm well aware of that, Larry.  200q20v'ers would be perfectly happy 
with an all-metal radiator without the connections, since they can be 
easily added by any competent radiator shop.  So we've been keeping 
an eye out for any metal radiator that will in general fit a type 44 

The answer stands- to my knowledge there are  no metal type 44 
radiators made at the moment save the Nissan, and it's not a better 
replacement according to the few who have installed one.

>Modines would work, but are more pricey, + would have
>to be shipped.

As I said prior, the end-tanks are no longer metal on the Modine units.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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