Antifreeze Q: 2

David duandcc_forums at
Tue Nov 9 09:12:23 EST 2004

> From: SuffolkD at
> Date: 2004/11/09 Tue AM 01:47:53 EST
> To: knotnook at,  quattro at,  200q20v at
> Subject: Re: Antifreeze Q: 2
> The stuff at the dealer is $17.
> So I bought one gallon anyway.
> I'd like to get an alternative for when the radiator breaks.  At 150 K its 
> due..........
> RIGHT after I flush it.
> -Scott by BOSTON
> In a message dated 11/8/2004 2:16:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> knotnook at writes:
> > What's the problem with dealer-spec stuff?  I get Autobahn from the VW/Audi
> > 

What about that new New Prestone® All Makes All Models Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant? Claims to be cross compatable with all colors/kinds of coolants and safe for all engines including aluminum. 

I've been using GM Dexcool in my CGT for many years. Much cheaper than the Pentosin stuff. I did a complete power flush when switcing over (PO had normal green stuff in there). My car never overheats and in fact runs a tad cooler than most other CGTs I've seen (possibly due to the aux. radiator?). 


1987 Coupe GT Special Build 2.3 
All in SE VA

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