VAG-COM on e-bay for $70

Stephen Kormilo stephen at
Wed Nov 10 17:24:24 EST 2004

At 12:47 PM 10/11/04 -0500, quattro-request at wrote:

>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:32:48 -0500
>From: Mike Pshenishny <r3dmist at>
>Subject: Re: VAG-COM on e-bay for $70
>To: "Billing, Eric" <ebilling at>
>Cc: quattro at
>Message-ID: <9a3b0bf104111009326bc2d005 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>It doesn't come with the software, which is $100 through ross-tech.
>The adapter & software package from ross-tech is $225, so you save a
>little bit if you buy the connector off ebay.
>'91 200q20v
>On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:38:43 -0600, Billing, Eric <ebilling at> wrote:
> > ...what's wrong with this deal?
> >
> >
> > item=4501380701&rd=1
> >
> > Eric

A _very_ misleading auction title!!  I'm sure that Uwe at Ross-Tech would 
not be amused.

I would avoid this type of interface, which appears to be a simple 
opto-isolated 'dumb' interface that is basically obsolete.  The newer cars 
have a CAN-bus which opto-isolated 'dumb' interfaces cannot 
handle.  Several of the features offered by the newest version of VAG-COM 
will not be useable.  Notice that the advert itself indicates that VAG-COM:

"Is fully compatible with the new Audi A4 (8P), new A8 (4E), and all cars 
derived from the Golf-5 (1K) platform including the VW, Touareg, Jetta etc! 
(Compatibility with these cars requires a HEX+CAN interface)"

It sure doesn't look like the interface is a "HEX+CAN interface".

I am a registered VAG-COM user and currently use an opto-isolated 'dumb' 
interface,  which I built from a kit several years ago. While it works 
fine, I have been considering upgrading to one of the modern interfaces 
offered by Ross-Tech.

If I were 'investing' in VAG-COM for the first time, I would buy VAG-COM 
and one of the up-to-date interfaces direct from Ross-Tech.

Stephen Kormilo
Winnipeg, MB

Silver 2002 Audi A4 3.0QM
Now departed:   Silver '98.5 Audi A4 2.8QM
                            Black '85 Mazda Rx7 GSL-SE

email: stephen at

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