allroad scams?

S Dewitt sdewitt at
Thu Nov 11 19:50:36 EST 2004

In texas you must file suite in small calims court in the county of the
defendant. I'm sure most other states are similar.

Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <cobram at>
To: <eric.ql at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: allroad scams?

> Eric Sanborn <eric.ql at> writes:
> > My wife and I got burned hard this spring with a Diesel Suburban.
> > The seller played as if he was in NY state with the truck.  He answered
> > all the questions I asked favorably.  When it came time to send the
> > money it was to an address in Oregon.
> I don't know how it works in your state, but I have sued out of state
> (MA) residents at my local small claims court, won the judgement, and
> then when they don't show or pay, got a capias (civil arrest warrant)
> which is good for one year.  This will usually get their attention, it's
> even better if they respond to the suit but don't show.  You'll have to
> check with your state though, and see what happens, worse case scenario
> you'll be out a couple of hours at court and a couple of bucks for the
> filing fee.  You should have all your evidence ready and your ducks in a
> row, sometimes even if the other party doesn't show, the judge or
> magistrate will want you to present your case or see some evidence.
> > money back then two months later said he would never pay. eBay
> > doesn't give a s**t.  They got paid that is all that matters to them.
> There have been a few threads on ebay and Western Union transfers, and
> your experience is the norm.
> I'm not a lawyer, and I don't play one on TV, but hopefully my personal
> BTDT will help.
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