4Kq fueling issues

Shawn Manny shawn.manny at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 12:13:51 EST 2004

Thanks! I agree, it buzzes like its straining to feed fuel, and the
motor definetly isnt getting as much as it'd like, hence the buck and
stutter routine. AFAIK its been run on the usual fuels...I know
locally we're stuck with the blended ethanol crap, I have no idea what
the floridian gas is like...Im going to pull the tank soon (after I
drain it) and get it cleaned...IIRC isnt the fuel pump relay in the
relay box under the hood (dr. side by cowl)? Anyone else BTDT?


On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 10:44:34 -0600, John McMahon <jfm at nts-online.net> wrote:
> The fuel pump buzzing symptom indicates a fuel starvation issue to me.  I
> would dive into that tank for a solution to the problem.  It will likely
> require a cleaning and inspection in the process.  What kind of gasoline has
> it been running on?  Any RFG, MTBE additive, 10% ethanol, or other strange
> stuff?
> A spare fuel pump relay carried on-board makes good sense, too.  Good luck,
> Shawn!
> John
> John McMahon
> Abilene, Texas
> 1990 Coupe quattro 20V
> 1984 4000S quattro
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Shawn Manny" <shawn.manny at gmail.com>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 9:45 AM
> Subject: 4Kq fueling issues
> > My 4Kq (manual, 1987) has an odd issue, it will run and drive like a
> > champ for 30+/- miles, then sputter, buck and die...it will idle, the
> > fuel pump is buzzing at this point as well. If I shut it off for 1/2
> > hour it will do another 30+/- miles then repeat above symptoms. I have
> > replaced, both fuel filters, the pump (three times), air filter,
> > plugs, wires, cap, rotor, ground straps and oil/filter. I have heard
> > this is due to a screen in the fuel tank clogging with sediment, also
> > this could be caused by a relay overheating???? Those who have BTDT
> > can you shed some light on my car? I just got to drive it for the
> > first time in 3 months yesterday and cant wait to fix this issue....
> >
> > Shawn
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