5KTQ High Idle

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Mon Nov 22 14:34:59 EST 2004

High idle on my NG was caused by a small vacuum hose left open after fidling in the engine compartment.

>If the timing belt was done recently, they may have failed to seal the bolts that pass through the oil pump housing. *Your leak may be from one or more of those bolts.

Same here - left out a long 70-80 mm bolt on left bottom of oil pump (facing timing belt) holding the A/C compressor bracket, because of wrong thinking that it holds the bracket only.  On some cars this is the Alt bracket.  Locktite on all bolts, small and larger, fixed the leak.  Now, if I can convince the Autocheck that oil is well, even at 3K RPM, it would be really nice.


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