Does anyone make Coupe GT Fenders?

CS_Rally cs at
Mon Nov 22 14:47:47 EST 2004


Some options:

1. Find a UR-Q and get it's fenders/quarterpanels. ($$$$)
2. There is a guy in NY that has molds for the UR-Q's and can make them in 
fiberglass (also $$$$). If you want call Constantine at Quattro Motion, he 
will know how to contact Andrew Hadjiminas.
3. Roll your own fenders like Eric suggested.
4. Make your own extensions out of fiberglass.
5. There are some continuos rolls of a reinforced rubber where you cut to 
size and make flares. Do a search on "universal" + "flares".
6. The cheapest is going to my favorite speed shop, Home Depot, get some of 
the plastic edging and cut to size. I've seen it as a front spoiler in a 4K 
and honestly didn't look that bad.



ps. Off line of course: Where are you located? I run a Coupe GT in G2. It 
might be interesting to swap experiences.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tyson Varosyan" <tigran at>
To: "Quattro at Audifans. Com (E-mail)" <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 2:24 AM
Subject: Does anyone make Coupe GT Fenders?

>I am in the process of lining up the ducks for my SCCA Rally car project
> scheduled for completion this spring. The car will be based on an Audi
> 4000CSQ, however with SCCA regulations, the tires/wheels cannot extrude 
> past
> the fenders, even in the Open class which we plan to enter. With the
> additional power of a Turbo motor that is going to be happening here
> shortly, I would like to better use it with a wider patch of tires. The
> thought I had was to add wheel well flares like those found on the Coupe 
> GT
> to the 4000 both front and Rear. The plan is to custom-make them out of
> Fiberglass, but with time being short and more pressing issues at hand 
> (like
> getting the engine swapped) I would like to see if there is anyone out 
> there
> that knows of a way to get ether the whole flared fender or 
> fiberglass/steel
> flare add-ons for the car. I am not a pro fiberglass worker and although I
> have the help of someone that has done quite a bit of this stuff, I am 
> still
> a bit intimidated by the thought of making fender flares.
> Suggestions? Links? Phone numbers would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tyson Varosyan
> Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
> tyson at
> 206-715-TECH (8324)
> UpTime/OnTime/AnyTime
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