Antifreeze OUTLANDISH idea.......

Mike Arman armanmik at
Mon Nov 22 15:56:41 EST 2004

>Antifreeze OUTLANDISH idea.......
>Or what about these new "all makes, all models" coolants that have come 
>out recently? Both Prestone and Peak now have them...

No thanks.

Can you even begin to imagine the uphill battle to get Prestone or Peak to 
admit their product was deficient and caused the engine in your 10-15-20 
year old Audi to die? ("Audi, yeah, I know about them - they're ALWAYS 
busted and they have NO resale value . . . and you actually think it was 
OUR wonderful product that made your pile of **** car blow up?")

And, in the *extremely* unlikely event that - after a LONG, EXPENSIVE court 
battle - they ever DID admit it was their fault, you might hear "Here's a 
check for $3.50 which is the total book value of your old Audi, now run 
along, sonny, and don't bother us any more."

The proper anti-freeze is SO CHEAP in comparison to the value of the car 
that there is no reason not to use it. At least you will know that when it 
does blow up, that wasn't the reason why.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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