Antifreeze OUTLANDISH idea.......

Ahmad Helal elctr0man at
Mon Nov 22 16:03:55 EST 2004

All this talk about antifreeze....after driving all the way to my dealership the parts specialist told me that the green antifreeze is compatiable with the this true..or was he off his rocker

Brett Dikeman <brett at> wrote:Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 15:53:52 -0500
To: ti at (Ti Kan), knotnook at (Kneale Brownson)
From: Brett Dikeman 

CC: SuffolkD at, quattro at
Subject: Re: Antifreeze OUTLANDISH idea.......

At 12:29 PM -0800 11/22/04, Ti Kan wrote:

>Not only the aluminum, but hoses, gaskets and seals as well... This is where
>I think some of the "compatible with all aluminum engines" coolant may
>be problematic. It might be safe with the alu parts, but could actually
>be hostile to other parts of our engines. Don't be penny-wise and pound
>foolish. Use the right stuff and have the peace of mind.

Many problems are caused by silicates, which cause excess wear on 
moving parts which require coolant for lubrication. Japanese 
manufacturers have for years denied warranty claims on engine repairs 
if they find any signs of silicates.

Also, most "phosphate free" coolant is nothing of the sort- it's just 
"low" phosphate, and Prestone tries to get out of claiming "free" 
instead of "low" by explaining that "really, this whole phosphate 
thing is overblown". Uh huh. Still doesn't change the fact that 
it's an outright lie to call it "phosphate free" coolant.

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