FW: RE: complete autocheck disable?

Nadjkovic Kraig A TSgt 552 CMS/MXMVC Kraig.Nadjkovic at tinker.af.mil
Wed Oct 20 13:44:38 EDT 2004

 Quote: "but I would care if you killed your wife or children."
Aw, that's so sweet.
My car tells me about all kinds of trivial stuff like burned out light
bulbs, low brake fluid, low pressure, low fuel, low coolant.  If I stopped
everytime a light came on, I'd never start.  What a PITA.  I just try to
remember that warm, funny feeling I get when I first turn the key and it
says, "OK."

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:36 PM
To: 'quattro at isham-research.com'
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: RE: RE: complete autocheck disable?

How do I know if the vacuum pump is about to go on the 4k? What if the
booster fails? How about the power steering pump or hoses going? It doesn't
tell me when a tire is about to blow, or a tie rod is about to break. There
is nothing in the 4k to tell me any of this, yet I havn't even begun to
think of putting in some warning system for it. And, for that matter, Audi
didn't either. It doesn't tell me when a tire is about to blow, or a tie rod
is about to break. Yes, it is a nice convenience when it works correctly. It
doesn't anymore. Of more of a concern to me would be the Bose speakers that
cause fires, etc...
Oh, and I don't have children :-) 

Tony Hoffman
P.S. It is entirely possible to stop the car without assist for the brakes,
and the red "brake" light tells you when the pressure is low as well.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces+anthony.hoffman=tinker.af.mil at audifans.com
[mailto:quattro-bounces+anthony.hoffman=tinker.af.mil at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of quattro at isham-research.com
Sent: 20-Oct-2004 12:22 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: RE: complete autocheck disable?

> I also would suggest unpluging the two plugs that go into the autocheck.
> They are pretty obvious if you have had the instrument cluster out. 
> They are on either side of the back of it. BTW, I agree with you, I 
> don't need my car to tell me when the washer fluid is low, brake pads, 
> etc. Especially when it is wrong (the wifes always says low fuel). The 
> 4kq
is perfect for me.

Do you carry your children in this car?

Do you love your children?

The answer to one of the above must be "No".  Or - you haven't looked in the
driver's handbook.  How the hell else do you know that the hydraulic pump is
failing to deliver adequate pressure?

Sure - it bitches about trivial stuff.  But whose fault is that?  It also
bitches about stuff you can't see.  That might kill you.  Frankly, I don't
give a stuff about that - but I would care if you killed your wife or
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